Lengers Yachts GmbH
Ralf Eißing
Paul-Thomas-Str. 58
D-40599 Düsseldorf
Tel 0049 (0) 211 300 403 54
Mobil 0049 (0) 173 290 9509
Last change:  26.4.2024 Price (EUR):  149.500,00 VAT included
Selection:  Daycruiser Model Year:  2007
Length:  8,44 m / 27,69 fuss Beam:  2,45 m
Weight:  3.635,00 kg Max. draft:  0,65 m
Location:  Netherlands Condition:  good
Hours of operation:  1.500,00 Trailer:  without trailer
Internal Number:  s240851    
Motor: 1 × 0,00 kW (0,00 HP) Inboard YANMAR BY 220 6 CYL
Equipment: Details: Welcome aboard the exquisite Brandaris 8.45 Barkas Limited Edition, meticulously cared for and boasting exceptional condition. Crafted entirely in the Netherlands, this vessel epitomizes renowned Dutch craftsmanship and opulent aesthetics. Measuring 8.45 meters in length with a beam of 2.45 meters, it has logged a mere 1500 engine hours. Revel in its elegant wooden interior adorned with white cushions, emanating a timeless classic allure.;
Rumpf: HIN: #2;
Motoren: Motor1: Innenborder, Yanmar BY 220 6 cyl, Betriebsstunden: 1500, 6 Zylinder;